Refugee architecture for Childhood crisis: Concept, politics, and transformations of CFS in Balukhali Camp Cox’s Bazar

Project ID: ARP/2022/ARCH/02/05

Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant

Project Awarded: 30th August, 2022


Principal Investigator:

  1. M. Arafat Hossain

Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, AUST


Co-principal Investigator/s:

Naimul Aziz

Associate Professor, Architecture Department, AUST


Project Duration: 1 year

Budget approved: 5,00,000/-


Expected Research Outcomes:

  • The study’s outcome will provide vital feedback to develop a comprehensive and contextual design guideline for Child-Friendly Space (CFS) to improve the three-fold resilience guidelines of CFS in Balukhali refugee camps.