Integration of metro stations with the adjacent urban fabric using TOD principles: The case of Dhaka city

Project ID: ARP/2023/ARCH/04/13

Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant

Project Awarded: 13th September, 2023


Principal Investigator:

Maher Niger

Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, AUST


Co-principal Investigator/s:

Sanjida Ahmed Sinthia

Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, AUST


Project Duration: 1 year

Budget approved: 3,50,000/-


Expected Research Outcomes:

  • A roadmap for policymakers, urban planners, and transportation authorities to prioritize pedestrian-friendly environments, mixed land uses, and efficient public transportation systems.
  • The outcomes can inform efforts to design inclusive and user-centric urban spaces that cater to the needs of all residents, irrespective of their age, income, or mobility limitations.
  • The implementation of TOD principles may attract investments, stimulate economic growth, and create vibrant urban neighborhoods, transforming underutilized spaces into thriving community hubs.
  • The outcomes can contribute to comprehensive urban planning strategies that prioritize efficient land use, reduced sprawl, and enhanced connectivity, fostering a city that is more resilient, accessible, and livable.