Conversion of the Agricultural Waste into Effective Energy with a View To Lessening The Fossil Fuel Dependency in Bangladesh

Project ID: ARP/2022/MPE/02/12

Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant

Project Awarded: 30th August, 2022


Principal Investigator:

Mohammad Joynal Abedin

Lecturer, MPE Department, AUST


Co-principal Investigator/s:

Badhan Saha

Assistant Professor, MPE Department, AUST


Project Duration: 1 year

Budget approved: 5,00,000/-


Expected Research Outcomes:

  • Successful completion of this project will prove beneficial in many ways. Initially, the setup can be used for cooking purpose in rural and urban areas which will subsequently lessen the dependency on natural gas approximately up to 15% or more [16]. Secondly, as the energy is produced using bio wastes, people will be able to use it at a low cost. Moreover, most of the bio wastes of Bangladesh are simply thrown away which will now be utilized properly. Finally, as the converted energy is eco-friendly, it will also pave the way for the Govt. towards achieving the SDG 7, 9, 11 and 13.