Design and Evaluation of Commercially Viable Free Space Optical Communication System in Bangladesh Context
Project ID: AIRG/2024/EEE/06/07
Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant
Project Awarded: 23rd October 2024
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Dr. Bobby Barua
EEE Department, AUST
Co-principal Investigator/s:
Dr. Md. Shariful Islam
Associate Professor
EEE Department, AUST
Dr. Sarwar Jahan
Associate Professor (Ext)
CSE Department, East West University (EWUBD), Dhaka
Project Duration: 2 Years
Budget Approved: 10,00,000.00
Expected Research Outcomes:
Research will show how we can connect people in rural areas to high-speed internet. It is expected that our proposed system will be cheaper and perform at a higher rate than other devices in the market. Various tests will be performed to ensure the functionality of our system and ensure that our device works properly. Our primary goal with the system test plan is to evaluate the system devices against the backdrop of Bangladesh’s changing seasons, aiming to identify their limitations and performance variations throughout the year. Verifying results using software to confirm all results obtained and using this data to improve infrastructure, public utilities and services and more.