Implication of Cultural Spaces and Infrastructure in the Emotional Rehabilitation of Refugee Children in Shelter Camps of Balukhali
Project ID: AIRG/2024/ARCH/06/20
Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant
Project Awarded: 23rd October 2024
Principal Investigator:
Mr. S. M. Arafat Hossain
Assistant Professor
Arch Department, AUST
Co-principal Investigator/s:
Dr. Apurba Kumar Podder
Associate Professor (Ext)
Department of Architecture, BUET, Dhaka
Dr. Quazi Mahtab-uz-Zaman
Chair, Border Urbanism Research Centre
Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment Robert Gordon University, Scotland
Mr. Naimul Aziz
Associate Professor
Arch Department, AUST
Project Duration: 2 Years
Budget Approved: 1,000,000.00
Expected Research Outcomes:
- The research findings will help to develop a spatial framework that could serve as a cultural infrastructure for psychosocial healing of the Rohingya children suffering from childhood trauma.
- At least one journal article to be published in Scopus/Clarivate indexed journal.
- At least one international conference article in peer-reviewed proceedings.