Post-silicon Hardware Trojan Detection Using Physical Unclonable Function

Project ID: ARP/2022/EEE/02/02

Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant

Project Awarded: 30th August, 2022


Principal Investigator:

Dr. Fakir Sharif Hossain

Associate Professor, EEE Department, AUST


Co-principal Investigator/s:

Ashek Seum

Lecturer, CSE Department, AUST


Md. Reasad Zaman Chowdhury

Lecturer, CSE Department, AUST


Project Duration: 1 year

Budget approved: 5,00,000/-


Expected Research Outcomes:

  • Trojan inserted circuit operation remains unaltered though it has Trojans in it. The problem arises when Trojans trigger any payload. How many Trojan gates in a large circuit (millions of gates) can be identified against elevated process variation determines the detection sensitivity. Higher detection sensitivity means a tiny Trojan with a few Trojan gates can be detected. The expected outcome of our proposed method is to deliver heightened detection sensitivity so that a small Trojan in a large circuit can be detected.
  • The overall outcome depends on PUF uniqueness, ML efficiency in extracting the process variation information, and measurement accuracy.