Risk of historical heavy metal pollution due to remobilization of Buriganga River System

Project ID: AIRG/2024/A&S/06/16

Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant

Project Awarded: 23rd October 2024


Principal Investigator:

Dr. Sabrina Sultana

Assistant Professor

A&S Department, AUST



Co-principal Investigator/s:

Dr. Begum Nadira Ferdousi

Associate Professor

A&S Department, AUST



Dr. Farzana Ferdoush

Associate Professor (Ext)

Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom



Dr. Mohammad Shahruzzaman

Associate Professor (Ext)

Faculty of Engg and Tech, Dept. of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engg, University of Dhaka, Dhaka



Project Duration: 1 Year

Budget Approved: 5,00,000.00

Expected Research Outcomes:

Expected outcome of this study are-

  • The pathways can be drawn to understand how pollutant goes to the food web and its impact.
  • Expected pollutant will be heavy metals (Pd, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cd, Cr and Fe) from sediment and soil analysis, in addition to basic physio-chemical parameters e.g. temperature, pH, conductivity, particle size etc.
  • Industries near rivers are anticipated to produce pollution, and the pollution assessment will be carried out to ascertain the composition of the sediment and gauge the degree of contamination.
  • With this assessment, applicable remediation and mitigation plan can be suggested.
  • Governments could utilize this empirical review study as a valuable tool to create evidence-based policy support in the future to help minimize all of the issues that challenge ahead.