Study on sustainability of Traditional Stilt House in Munshiganj as a Prefabricated Modular Housing Pattern

Project ID: AIRG/2023/ARCH/05/17

Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant

Project Awarded: 1st April, 2024


Principal Investigator:

Dr. Rumana Rashid

Professor, Arch Department, AUST


Co-principal Investigator/s:

Dr. Roxana Hafiz

Professor, Arch Department, AUST


Mehnaz Tabassum

Assistant Professor, Arch Department, AUST


Asma Siddika

Assistant Professor, Arch Department, AUST


Project Duration: 1 year 6 months

Budget approved: 6,50,000/-


Expected Research Outcomes:

It is expected that the scope of this prefabricated modular house could be provided to design affordable housing for the poor in Bangladesh in terms of its pattern, uniqueness, economic factors and resilience in modern times. Furthermore, the guidelines could be adopted by the Local government and the policymakers.