The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Promoting Green Accounting within Bangladeshi Banking Institutions: The Mediating Effects of Green Strategy and Green Investment
Project ID: AIRG/2024/BBA/06/01
Funding Source: AUST Internal Research Grant
Project Awarded: 23rd October 2024
Principal Investigator:
Ms. Nazma Akter
Assistant Professor
School of Business, AUST
Co-principal Investigator/s:
Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
Assistant Professor
School of Business, AUST
Abu Bakkar Siddik
Research Scholar (PhD Candidate)
SoM, Univ of Science and Tech of China (USTC), Anhui, Hefei, China
Project Duration: 1 Year
Budget Approved: 4,90,000.00
Expected Research Outcomes:
We anticipate demonstrating that AI significantly enhances green accounting practices within Bangladeshi banking institutions. Additionally, AI adoption significantly promotes the green strategy and green investment of banking institutions, while green strategy and green investment crucially mediate this process. Furthermore, findings from fsQCA, we anticipate uncovering the specific combinations of factors that are sufficient for AI to significantly impact green accounting practices within Bangladeshi banking institutions. Our study also aims to provide insights into the optimal deployment of AI for sustainable banking practices, thereby enriching the academic discourse on green accounting and the use of AI in promoting sustainability within the banking sector.